War and Culture Studies – What Next?
War and Culture Studies – What Next?
An online workshop for early career researchers
Friday 18th June 2021
The Journal for War and Culture Studies has been at the forefront of the cultural turn in war studies from its first issue in 2008. Since then it has expanded beyond its original base in Modern Languages and twentieth-century European Studies to become truly global and to encompass research from the late eighteenth century to the present day from both the Arts and Humanities and the Social Sciences.
Throughout this time it has taken great pride in being a forum in which both established and new voices are heard. To continue this work, it will be hosting an online workshop to discuss future directions and developments in the field. The event will be open to all to attend, but we invite proposals for flash presentations from early career researchers (post-doctoral researchers and postgraduate research students) only. There are no specific themes, but presentations should:
- last between 5 and 10 minutes;
- focus on your current research;
- demonstrate how your work is pushing the field of war and culture studies in new directions (in terms of methodology, scope, or subject matter).
Proposals from early career researchers should take the form of a 250-word abstract which should be emailed tom.j.hurcombe@bristol.ac.uk no later Friday 23 April 2021. The programme for the event will be announced in early May 2021.
As well as an exciting opportunity to discuss the direction of research, we are also hosting this forum to offer coaching and development support for postdoctoral and early career researchers. The workshop will therefore also include roundtable discussions on submitting articles to peer-reviewed journals and publishing with the JWCS specifically. For further information, please email Professor Martin Hurcombe via the above address.
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OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Laurent Capdetrey (3 mars 2021). War and Culture Studies – What Next? Guerres Espaces Représentations. Consulté le 14 février 2025 à l’adresse https://doi.org/10.58079/p0q2